I don't have a lot of pictures from shows before RHVD because I was broke when we started and they are all from my sucky camera phone. I also never kept copies of legs of former rabbits (shredded everything when they died- I REALLY hate paperwork), so I don't really have much to share from those days. Back then we were doing 3 breeds as a family with Jocelyn's focus on Dutch, Anthony's on Polish and mine on Holland Lops. I still have a wooden print of Jocelyn and her blue Dutch rabbit, Kokopelli's Dutchess in the hallway from the day she won best of breed for the first time, and I of course have pictures of her with her first home-grown girl to win best of breed, JJ's Adelle. I think there is still a part of me that wishes she kept her focus in Dutch, but when she lost interest I just couldn't keep the project going. I need competition, and while I will always have a special place in my heart for Dutch rabbits, the competition was just not consistent and there were shows where there were only 2 legs to be had (for BOB and BOSB). If the competition was there, I would have taken over but it was just not meant to be. As for Polish, we didn't actually get out of them until after the shows shut down, and to be honest it felt like the rabbits got depressed not being able to show. They stopped breeding and the project just slowly died out. I am hoping to one day have Polish rabbits again, because they were pretty amazing, but for now I am fully focused on my Holland Lops because the competition is intense! There are so many amazing breeders out there working on incredible lines forcing me to work harder on my own. Plus, Holland faces just melt my heart.